ONIX Code List 196 enables the inclusion accessibility compliance metadata in an ONIX message. This information can then travel with the publication through distribution channels so that customers can be made aware of the accessible features the EPUB offers. Each success criteria will be handled in turn in this section.
Indicates that the EPUB conforms to the Libri Italiani Accessibili guidelines.
Additional codes may be added in the future as similar accessibility standards emerge.
This criteria is not specific to EPUB 3. The enabling or disabling of accessibility features lies with content producers (for example, DRM restrictions). To meet the criteria, do not bundle or distribute your publications with restrictions on them that would disable access to the content by screen readers, etc.
The requirement to include an EPUB navigation document does not, in and of itself, satisfy this
requirement. A toc nav
with links to the complete structure of your publication is
required. See the Table of Contents section for more information.
Lists of tables and illustrations
must also be provided, if applicable.
A linked index can be provided using ordered lists to meet this criteria, but work is ongoing at the IDPF on how to embed richer indexes. See the Indexes section for more information.
The requirement to include a spine
element does not satisfy this requirement. The
logical reading order of the publication must be clearly delineated in the markup. Footnotes,
tables, images, sidebars and all similar secondary content must be marked up so that it can be
skipped over.
Text alternatives must be provided for all significant images to meet this requirement. See the Images section for more information.
Longer descriptions must be provided for all complex images to meet this requirement. See the Images section for more information.
Tabular or text equivalents must be provided for all bar graphs, pie charts and similar graphical representations of data.
To meet this requirement, MathML must be included for math equations, formulas, etc.
EPUB does not provide native support for ChemML, but ChemML can be included using the
element to meet this requirement. An XHTML fallback will have to be
provided, however.
If a print-equivalent of the ebook exists, the pagination can be included in the publication using
the EPUB pagebreak
property. To fully meet this requirement, a page-list
also needs to be included to facilitate page-level navigation. See the Page Numbering and Page List
Navigation sections for more information.
The inclusion of media overlays to synchronize text and audio content is sufficient to meet this requirement. The overlays should be structured in such a way that they facilitate escaping and skipping of structures. See the Media Overlays subsections for more information.
This value indicates the inclusion of PLS lexicons, SSML tagging and/or CSS Speech properties to enhance text-to-speech playback of content.
This value is set when the language of all content documents has been specified, as well as all instances in the text where the language changes. For more information, refer to the Languages section of this guide.
The following informational fields should always be included when applicable:
If accessibility features, compliance and/or testing information is available on the web, provide a link to the page in this field. This information must be validated against an independent compliance scheme or the testing performed by a testing organization.
SImilar to field 94, but the link is to compliance information provided by a trusted intermediary or third party nominated by the publisher.
Similar to fields 94 and 95, but the link is to compliance information provided directly by the publisher.
A record of all compatibility testing that has been performed on the ebook should be recorded in this field.
Content has been tested to work on iBooks,
Sony Reader and Adobe Digital Editions in
both scripting enabled and disabled modes.
If produced or distributed through a trusted intermediary, this field provides contact information for additional information about the accessibility features in the EPUB.
The contact information for an internal representative who can provide additional information about the accessibility features in the EPUB.
<ONIXMessage release="3.0">
<TitleText>Accessible EPUB 3</TitleText>
<package … >
No, ONIX messages are not publication resources so can be hosted outside the container. When considering external hosting of resources, duly consider that not all reading systems are connected to the internet; an accessible device may wind up without access to your accessibility information.
Yes, but at this time only ONIX provides such clearly-defined fields. The easy ability to parse and extract this information from the message is why ONIX is recommended, plus its prevalence as the metadata format of choice in commercial distribution channels.
The metadata can be used in distribution channels to allow readers to discover whether the publication is suitable for their needs, as one example. A book store search engine could use the information to allow readers to filter the available ebooks to only those that they know will work with their assistive technology.
The reading system could similarly present the accessibility information to the reader in advance of reading even if the book has been delivered through a less accessible channel (e.g., enabling a quicker return of the ebook if it's known to be incompatible with their system).
Without this information, the reader has no way to distinguish the quality of one EPUB from another.