In order to facilitate the navigation of lists, Media Overlay documents must be marked up so that lists are discoverable — and consequently escapable and skippable — by the reader without having to drop out of playback mode.
Although the basic markup for lists in overlays is the same regardless of list type, HTML5 includes two different types of lists that need to be accommodated.
Ordered and Unordered Lists
The HTML ol
and ul
list elements each represent sets of items, and are marked up
similarly as follows:
element encloses all the items in the list. This seq
must have
an epub:type
attribute specifying the property list
elements. These seq
elements must have an epub:type
attribute specifying the property list-item
. If the list item contains
complex structures like sublists or tables, those structures must be marked up as appropriate to
ensure escapability and skippability.par
elements with an epub:type
attribute specifying the property
list item
.Definition Lists
HTML definition lists (the dl
element) associate one or more names (dt
with one or more values (dd
elements). When constructing these lists in an overlay document,
the following markup rules should be followed:
element should enclose all the terms and definitions in the list. This
must have an epub:type
attribute specifying the property list
, idnetical to ordered and unordered lists.seq
elements should enclose all the related dt
and dd
pairings, and include an epub:type
attribute specifying the property list-item
<seq epub:type="list">
<par epub:type="list-item">…</par>
<seq epub:type="list-item">
<seq epub:type="list-item">
<seq epub:type="list">
<par epub:type="list-item">…</par>
<seq epub:type="list">
<seq epub:type="list-item">
<seq epub:type="list-item">