EPUB 3 Accessibility Guidelines


The section element is used to encapsulate sections of primary content and establish the publication's structural hierarchy. Clearly grouping and identifying content enables better navigation by anyone reading using an assistive technology (see also the faq).

An epub:type attribute should be attached to each section to indicate the specific nature of the content, when applicable. See the EPUB 3 Structural Semantics Vocabulary for the list of allowed values that can be used with the attribute.

When the epub:type attribute is not specified, a generic section/subsection nature is assumed based on the nesting level.

A section must not have more than one child heading.

If a section does not have a heading, consider including an aria-label attribute on the section to identify its purpose.


Example 1 — Defining a section is a chapter with a heading
<section epub:type="chapter" id="c01">
   <h1 id="c01h01">Chapter 1. Loomings.</h1>
   <p>Call me Ishmael. … </p>
Example 2 — Defining a section is a chapter by attribute

title attribute

<section epub:type="chapter" title="chapter" id="c01">
   <p>It was a dark and stormy night … </p>

aria-label attribute

<section epub:type="chapter" aria-label="chapter" id="c01">
   <p>It was a dark and stormy night … </p>

Compliance References and Standards

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I use the section element for secondary content?

No, the section element should only be used to identify primary structural content.

Self-contained secondary content embedded within a section — such as sidebars, mini-articles, etc. — should be identified using the aside and article elements, as appropriate.

How do I handle large sections?

EPUBs are typically broken up into smaller XHTML content files to improve rendering, so it's often the case that an entire part cannot be contained in a single file. The question becomes, how do you split the chapters into separate files and still retain the part?

There are two approaches you can take to flattening out your content, and neither is optimal — at least in terms of retaining the original structural hierarchy in the markup. The first is to include the part heading with the first chapter:

   <section epub:type="part">
      <h1>Part I</h1>
      <section epub:type="chapter">
         <h2>Chapter I</h2>

Each subsequent chapter file would contain a single section with an h2 heading. Although this markup approach appears to suggest that the part only contains a single chapter, consistent heading numbering will allow an assistive technology to correctly orient the reader.

The other approach is to separate the part heading into its own file:

   <section epub:type="part">
      <h1>Part I</h1>

Again, each subsequent chapter file would include an h2 heading to indicate it is subordinate to the part. One advantage of this approach is that reading systems will render the part heading separately from the first chapter content.

It would be nice to see a future version of EPUB include a way of retaining information about the document hierarchy regardless of how the content gets broken up into files (e.g., in the spine), but at this time no such mechanism exists.

Do sections assist in navigation?

Yes and no.

Grouping content into section elements more clearly delineates the structure of your document, since there's no ambiguity about where the section begins and ends (e.g., in HTML4, headings were often interspersed throughout the content regardless of relation to structure). This structure allows readers using assistive technologies to move from section to section more easily.

It's also true that grouping and identifying the nature of each section with an epub:type attribute aids navigation of the document at the markup level (which is where assistive technologies usually operate).

That said, because the publication's hierarchy often gets flattened when content is split into separate XHTML files, the section element alone is left somewhat crippled as a navigation aid. A reader will have more difficulty moving quickly from part to part and skipping all the chapters in between unless they use the table of contents (i.e., each content file would have to be loaded and each section type checked to move forward at the markup level).

Should I use numbered headings or generic headings for my sections?

See the Headings section for more information.